●接纳基于 CFD 剖析的均流提效构件,提高脱硫效率
Adopt uniform-fluid device based on CFD analysis, increasing the desulfurization efficiency.
●严酷an照 CFD 剖析效果设置入口导流、托盘装置及节能环等结构,充实保证了烟气在塔体内的匀称漫衍,zeng
Equipped with inlet guiding device, tray device, energy saving ring and other structure in strict accordance
with CFD analysis, ensuring uniform distribution of flue gas in the tower and increasing the mass transfer
Reasonable layout of spraying layer and nozzle, high-performance double nozzles, strengthening mass
transfer effect.
Adopt special program to design every spraying layer and its nozzles, ensuring high spraying coverage rate
and uniformity, which increases desulfurization efficiency and reduces circle quantity of slurry.
Adopt high-performance double nozzles and achieve intensive secondary atomization, which enlarges the
area between gas and slurry liquid. This nozzle has excellent wear & corrosion resistance, anti-blocking
function and high reliability.
Adopt high-performance demister
Adopt multi-layer high-performance roof-type demister combined with flow equalization board technology
to achieve low pressure and small critical separated droplet diameter, ensuring escaping quantity of
droplet no more than 20mg/Nm3. It can minimize dust quantity carried by mist and achieve super-clean
● DCS 智能控制系统
DCS intelligent control system
DCS 全智能控制系统:
滤饼浓度控制,基于差压的除雾器自动冲洗控制等大大减低了能耗,确保排放达标。 zeng压风机入口压力控制回路,石灰浆供浆调治控制 SO2 出口浓度控制回路,真空脱水剂
DCS intelligent control system: adds inlet pressure control loop of fan; regulate the SO2 outlet concentration by slurry offering; concentration control by vacuum dehydrating agent filter cake; automatic washing control of demister based on differential pressure. All the controls reduce energy consumption and ensure that emission standard is achieved.